Equine excellence and experience are at the heart of the Equimetrics story.

Equimetrics is an Irish based Equine Veterinary Medical Device developer, focused on providing innovative solutions for the remote monitoring of horses, for both Veterinarians, Equine Hospitals, Owners, Trainers & Caregivers.

The Equimetrics device range, has been designed by equine professionals, with the input of Equine Veterinarian professionals from around the globe. This innate knowledge of the horse, its needs, anatomy & behaviours has led to the development of a practical solution which answers the needs of Veterinarians, Trainers & Owners , in effectively monitoring horses health status remotely.

Equimetrics devices, remove the unknown, resultant concern & worry, in a practical all in one solution for every equine veterinarian, trainer & competitive sportsperson, advancing your insight into your horses’ health & wellbeing.

The challenges faced by the equine veterinary community are increasing, we aimed to develop a device which would address these needs by providing accurate insight to the caregiver, and remote monitoring of equine health.

Horses spend many hours in solitude in their stables, whether recovering from surgery, in training, and indeed in general work. Modern day horse keeping, can lead to horses being stabled for up to 22 hours per day. During this time the horse is generally unsupervised in the majority of facilities.

Insights from biometric data – including heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature & movement can tell a professional if there is an underlying issue which needs further investigation, or can alert an owner of an issue that needs to be investigated.

Equimetrics provides an easy to use solution in its Smart Equine Wearables, to safely gather this data, view and interpret this information.

The Team

Annemarie O'Brien

Annemarie O’Brien

Founder, CEO

Annemarie has formidable expertise gained from a lifetime in equine sport. She brings an in-depth knowledge of horses and access to elite equine facilities.

Annemarie has been champion NH trainer, a leading NH rider and currently breeds thoroughbred racehorses.

Tom Curtis

Tom Curtis

Founder, Director

Tom has spent the last 15 years gathering and analysing biometric data from horses in the ultra-completive world of elite thoroughbred racing.

In this time he has innovated various methods of determining stress levels in stabled horses and developed tailored assessment tools to maximize effectiveness of training protocols.

Frank Long

Frank Long

Founder, Director

Frank is an award-winning designer of software products and services. He has over 20 years of experience working with global brands making new technology accessible to everyday users.

His experience spans the worlds of enterprise software, connected healthcare and consumer products. User-centred design is core to Frank’s approach, and he brings an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the process from innovation strategy through to design and product rollout.

Sarah Spooner

Commercial Director

Sarah is an experienced international sales & marketing professional with a proven track record in the equine healthcare and veterinary medical device industry.

Over 10 years she has amassed considerable experience in the fields of human and equine medical devices. Sarah is responsible for the global commercialisation of the solution.

Shay Curtis

Product Engineering Lead

Shay is responsible for product engineering and design. Over the last 4 years he has focused on the evolving the remote monitoring hardware and communications protocols.

His background is in Product Design and Electronics Engineering.